Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Mortgage Corner - Rate Cuts

Bank of Canada lowered its lending rate to 0.25% followed by most major banks slashing their prime rates to 2.25%.

The rate cut benefits many products such as line of credit and variable rate mortgages but it also limits the future rate flexibility of the Bank of Canada.

Read all about it here:
Toronto Star
The Globe and Mail
The National Post

Bank of Canada

For all your real estate needs and queries, contact Raj

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Realty Corner - First Time Buyers

Holding off buying that first home?
Tired of renting a crowded apartment or basement?

First Time Buyers should definitely take advantage of:
  • Great selection of affordable homes
  • Historically low mortgage rates
  • Flexible amortization periods (25 to 35 years)
  • Monthly payments possibly lower than renting
  • Building affordable equity
Here is a Toronto Star article aimed at First Time Buyers

Call RAJ to start your home search

Friday, April 3, 2009

Realty Corner - Myth Debunked

How often do you hear that:
- 10% of the real estate agents do 90% of the deals...or
- 20% of the real estate agents do 80% of the deals...

I have always wondered where these stats come from. Everyone I ask has never seen such a case study based on research but all have heard it from other "experienced agents"....

Finally, we have Leon d’Ancona's Debunking the 10/90 myth article on REM using actual research to argue the 10/90 myth...
